Del networking al Ágora

Revisando el programa ya nos encontramos en el ecuador de #WCSevilla16. Tras hacer Networking el sábado al mediodía continuamos con las sesiones en el Ágora, el Liceo y la Academia, como hasta ahora.

A las cuatro y media retomaremos las sesiones y en el Ágora, Ignacio Cruz Moreno va a hablarnos de Multisitios a lo grande: Edublogs y CampusPress.

A las cincoMauricio Gelves nos enseñará cómo podemos automatizar estas pruebas y ganar horas de vidas utilizando el framework PHP CodeCeption en Pruebas de aceptación: Automatiza el testing de Frontend y échate a dormir.

Y por último a las cinco y mediaCatalina Álvarez pretende dar pautas para identificar los factores de estrés en el trabajo en remoto.

Ya has visto la diversidad en el programa y aún nos quedan por contar algunas sorpresas, recuerda comprar tu entrada.

Acerca de Aranza Respaldiza

My full name is María Aránzazu and maybe you know me as María or Arantza. I am an Project Officer at the European Commission – Joint Research Centre. At the JRC, I am contributing to support the implementation of geovisualization on strategies for detecting and preventing fraud in the food chain & illicit consumer products on the European Market. I craft narratives by developing interactive data visualizations. Leveraging my background in data science, I explore unconventional and less apparent insights within datasets, meticulously preparing and thoughtfully representing statistical nuances. Additionally, I am enthusiastic about imparting knowledge on data visualization and other subjects through workshops and corporate training. Throughout my career, I have engaged in diverse projects encompassing a broad spectrum of challenges, ranging from interactive data visualizations and exploratory data analysis to the creation of corporate data tools, course development, training, instruction, and ideation. If you believe I am the right fit for a project, wish to delve deeper into my research or past work, seek information about this site, or simply want to say hello, then I would be delighted to connect with you. Let’s get down to business! Contact me today!